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The Node Interface

You're encouraged to read up on the Node interface before reading this text. Here's a general article on the Node interface, and here's the relevant best practices section from the GraphQL documentation.

If you want to unlock the true power of GraphQL clients like Relay, you're strongly encouraged to implement what's called the Node interface.

Node interface crash course

The Node interface is essentially a convention that lets each node in the graph:

  1. Have an id that's unique in your entire graph, not just among the type the node is of.
  2. Be possible to refetch each node by itself only via its id. Meaning it needs to be possible to destruct id into something that reveals both the actual id, and what type it's for, so we know what type to fetch.

Together, these two points enable clients like Relay to:

  1. Do normalized caching effortlessly, which brings all sorts of goodies like data consistency, automatic cache updates and so on.
  2. Automatically build queries for pagination and refetching, so you don't have to write those queries yourself.

In a nutshell, the Node interface looks and works something like this:

# The schema

# Defines the Node interface
interface Node {
id: ID!

# Each type implementing Node should have a globally unique ID
type User implements Node {
id: ID!
name: String!

# `Query` should have a top level field called `node` that lets you refetch any node in the graph by its id
type Query {
node(id: ID!): Node

Now, imagine we've got an id for a User from somewhere in our graph. Without having to care about where that User came from, we can fetch data from that exact user via the Node interface:

query NodeTestQuery($userId: ID!) {
node(id: $userId) {
... on User {

This would return data from User if the value we pass to userId is indeed an id coming from a User.

The Node interface in ResGraph

Now, all of the above sounds great. But it's up to you to implement all of that in practice. From our long experience of building GraphQL servers we know that this can feel and be much trickier than it needs to be. So, let us walk you through how easy implementing the Node interface is in ResGraph.

In a nutshell, what we need to do is the following:

  1. Define our Node interface type.
  2. Expose a field called id from that interface. That id needs to be an ID in GraphQL, and needs to resolve as a globally unique ID for each type that implements it.
  3. Expose a node field on Query that takes an id and can resolve each of the types that implement the Node interface.

Let's get started!

1. Defining the Node interface

Start by defining the Node interface. The Node interface is a convention, so it's important that it's named node, even though there's nothing actually magical about that name:

// NodeInterface.res
type node = {
id: string

Notice we don't expose id as a GraphQL field directly, nor do we type it as More on why in the next step.

2. Implementing the globally unique id field for each type

Now we need to make sure that each and every type that implements Node has an id field that returns a globally unique id. We'll do this step by step. Let's start by defining a field id for the interface Node:

// NodeInterfaceResolvers.res
let id = (node: NodeInterface.node) => {>

This adds an id: ID! field to all types that implement Node. Great! But this is just returning the id coming from the type itself, so it's not going to be globally unique by default.

One "naive" idea would be to have a separate id field function for each type to produce the globally unique ID:

let id = (user: user) => {

But that will get old fast as we add new types and need to add new field functions just for the ID every time.

Instead, we can leverage accessing what type the interface field function is currently working on. That, together with helpers that ResGraph generates for us, means we can build our generic node id field in a way that'll work for all types that implement it automatically, without having to roll separate field functions for each type:

// NodeInterfaceResolvers.res
let id = (node: NodeInterface.node, ~typename: Interface_node.ImplementedBy.t) => {

There! Now every id field of every type that implements Node will be globally unique, and in the form of <type>:<id>. So, for a user with the ID 123, the globally unique ID will automatically be generated as User:123.

Expose a node field on Query

The final thing we need to do before we have a fully working Node interface setup is to implement the node field on Query, that takes any id from a node and resolves its type.

Fortunately, ResGraph generates helpers for this task as well. Let's look at how an implementation of the node field can look:

/** Fetches an object given its ID.*/
let node = async (_: Query.query, ~id, ~ctx: ResGraphContext.context): option<
> => {
switch id->ResGraph.idToString->String.split(":") {
| [typenameAsString, id] =>
switch typenameAsString->Interface_node.ImplementedBy.decode {
| None => None
| Some(User) =>
switch await ctx.dataLoaders.userById.load(~userId=id) {
| Ok(user) => Some(User(user))
| Error(_) => None
| Some(Group) =>
switch await ctx.dataLoaders.groupById.load(~userId=id) {
| Ok(group) => Some(Group(group))
| Error(_) => None
| _ => None

Lots of things to distill here.

  1. We annotate the return type of our field function as Interface_node.Resolver.t. This type is autogenerated, and is what ensures that you can return only types that implement Node. It also informs ResGraph that it's indeed the interface Node you're returning from this field.
  2. Remember that we formatted our IDs like <type>:<id>. Because of that, we start by decoding the raw id passed to node by splitting the id on : to extract our type and real id.
  3. We then use Interface_node.ImplementedBy.decode to decode that string into a Interface_node.ImplementedBy.t type. These are both autogenerated by ResGraph, and will stay up to date with any types that start (or stop) implementing the Node interface. Interface_node.ImplementedBy.t is a variant listing all typenames that implement Node, and Interface_node.ImplementedBy.decode is a function that decodes a string into a Interface_node.ImplementedBy.t.
  4. Now we have a type, and an id. We can move on to resolving the correct nodes.

There! Now we have a node field that can resolve any node implementing the Node interface by itself.

Advanced patterns

So far we've done an as simple implementation of our IDs as possible. However, there are several more things you might want to consider. In this section we'll discuss those considerations a bit.

Obfuscating the id

One thing you can consider is to "obfuscate" the id so it doesn't read <type>:<id> if you inspect it at runtime. Doing this can be for several reasons:

  1. id should be considered opaque, as in the client should not be tempted to rely on its implementation, because the server owns it and should be allowed to change it at any time. Obfuscating the id so it's not directly human readable is a simple way to communicate to the client that "this is intended to be opaque to you".
  2. You might want to stick the id into links and URL:s, meaning they'll need to be URL safe and generally look like an id you're not tempted to tamper with in the URL.

The most common way in GraphQL to handle this is to encode the id as (URL safe) base64. Let's look at how you can do that easily with ResGraph.

Base64 encoding id

You can easily base64 encode and decode your id by using ResGraph.Utils.Base64.encode/decode. Let's change our examples to do that:

// NodeInterfaceResolvers.res
let id = (
node: NodeInterface.node,
~typename: Interface_node.ImplementedBy.t,
) => {

Here we're encoding the id as base64. Now, instead of a User with the id 123 having the id User:123, you'll instead see VXNlcjoxMjM,.

Let's adapt the node field function to handle that IDs are now base64 encoded:

/** Fetches an object given its ID.*/
let node = async (_: Query.query, ~id, ~ctx: ResGraphContext.context): option<
> => {
switch id
->String.split(":") {
| [typenameAsString, id] =>

Rest of the code omitted for brevity.

Here we're decoding from base64 before we split it and inspect the parts.

There! That's all it takes for a simple obfuscation of the id field.

Advanced: further compressing id

IDs tend to get quite large. This is because they're comprised of type names, which can be fairly verbose, and then the actual underlying id, which also can be large or verbose.

For the latter part there's not much else you can do than employing regular compression techniques. And in cases where you use UUIDs or other non-compressable formats, that won't help either.

However, we can compress our type names easily. Because we always know the full set of possible type names, we can create a mapping between a type name and something drastically smaller, like an int. This would allow us to for example encode 1 or 2 into our IDs, instead of User or Group.

Fortunately ResGraph generates helpers for you to make this easy and durable.

Compressing type names with Interface_node.TypeMap

ResGraph will automatically generate assets that will help you translate between type names, and a mapping of your choice. Let's look at an example of how we can compress our type names in our id easily leveraging that:

let typeMap: Interface_node.typeMap<int> = {
group: 1,
user: 2,

let nodeTypeMap = typeMap->Interface_node.TypeMap.make(~valueToString=Int.toString)

A few things to distill.

  1. typeMap<'value> is generated, and is a record type that expects you to fill in all types implementing the Node interface, and what 'value you want to map them to. Here we're mapping to int.
  2. We create a map of typenames to integers using that type. Since this is autogenerated it'll always be up to date, so any time a new type implements the Node interface you'll be prompted to fill its corresponding integer here.
  3. We then call TypeMap.make with our type map, and also pass it a ~valueToString function that shows how to turn 'value into a string.

Now we have a TypeMap.t that we can leverage for encoding and decoding the type names in our id. Let's update our examples:

// NodeInterfaceResolvers.res
let typeMap: Interface_node.typeMap<int> = {
group: 1,
user: 2,

let nodeTypeMap =

let id = (node: NodeInterface.node, ~typename: Interface_node.ImplementedBy.t) => {
let typenameAsString =


Now, instead of User:123 or VXNlcjoxMjM,, you'll instead see MjoxMjM,, a ~30% smaller id. Here, the gain is a bit modest, but it increases with types that have longer names.

Let's show how we can leverage Interface_node.TypeMap as we decode IDs in the node field function:

/** Fetches an object given its ID.*/
let node = async (_: Query.query, ~id, ~ctx: ResGraphContext.context): option<
> => {
switch id->ResGraph.idToString->String.split(":") {
| [compressedTypename, id] =>
switch nodeTypeMap->Interface_node.TypeMap.getTypeByStringifiedValue(compressedTypename) {
| None => None
| Some(User) =>
switch await ctx.dataLoaders.userById.load(~userId=id) {
| Ok(user) => Some(User(user))
| Error(_) => None
| Some(Group) =>
switch await ctx.dataLoaders.groupById.load(~userId=id) {
| Ok(group) => Some(Group(group))
| Error(_) => None
| _ => None

We're now using Interface_node.TypeMap.getTypeByStringifiedValue to go directly from a compressed string value in the id (like "1" for the integer 1 representing User) to its underlying type, if it can be mapped.

And that's all you need to do to leverage this extra compression.

Wrapping up

To better examplify how much space this can save, imagine we have a type OrganizationConfigurationSettings. Encoding that type with an id of 123 gives you T3JnYW5pemF0aW9uQ29uZmlndXJhdGlvbjoxMjM,. But if that same type would be encoded as 3, you'd instead get MzoxMjM,, an 80% reduction.