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If your GraphQL API has mutations, you'll need to define a mutation type:

type mutation

Notice that mutation is also an abstract type, just like query.

Adding fields to Mutation

Fields are added to Mutation just like you'd add fields to any other type:

let setNewName = (_: mutation, ~newName, ~userId, ~ctx: ResGraphContext.context) => {
// Returns promise<option<user>>
ctx.mutations.setNewUserName(~userId=userId->ResGraph.idToString, ~name=newName)
type Mutation {
setNewName(newName: String!, userId: ID!): User

Notice _: mutation. ResGraph needs to know that it's Mutation you want to attach this field to, but since there's nothing you can actually do with your abstract mutation type, it's good practice to name it _.

A good next read is how to define object types.