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Enums are defined by defining a variant without payloads and annotate it with @gql.enum:

type userStatus = Online | Offline
enum UserStatus {

Notice enums must be variants without payloads, or ResGraph will complain.

Using enums in the schema

Enums are valid to use anywhere in your schema where they are valid in GraphQL. ResGraph just needs to understand that it's your particular enum it's looking for. A few examples:

type userStatus = Online | Offline

type user = {
id: string,

currentStatus: option<userStatus>

let lastKnownStatus = (user: user, ~ctx: ResGraphContext.context) => {
// Returns promise<option<userStatus>>

let currentUsersWithStatus = (_: query, ~status: userStatus, ~ctx: ResGraphContext.context) => {
// Returns promise<array<user>>

This above will generate the following GraphQL:

enum UserStatus {

type User {
currentStatus: UserStatus
lastKnownStatus: UserStatus

type Query {
currentUsersWithStatus: [User!]!

Comments and deprecations

You can add comments to the enum definition, and to each enum case. You can also add deprecations to each enum case via the @deprecated attribute. Here's a full example demonstrating all of the above:

/** The status of the user.*/
type userStatus =
| /** The user is online. */ Online
| /** The user is offline. */ Offline
| /** The user is idle. */ @deprecated("This is going away") Idle
The status of the user.
enum UserStatus {
The user is online.
The user is offline.
The user is idle.
Idle @deprecated(reason: "This is going away")

Customizing enum case values

Sometimes you want to customize the value of an enum case for various reasons, in a way that might not be possible given ReScript's rules around naming variant cases. For that, you can use the @as attribute together with a string literal:

type userStatus =
| @as("ONLINE") Online
| @as("OFFLINE") Offline
enum UserStatus {

Let's look at how enum's close friend unions are defined in ResGraph.